The 484th Meeting was held at Badgemore Park on the 11th April 2023.
The guest speaker this month was Professor Dan Remenyi, who gave a fascinating presentation on “What will the AI-Chatbot really do for us? Making sense of New Technology”.

Dan explained that a Chatbot refers to a computer system which communicates in everyday human language. It can understand normal human language, even informal conversation and can reply in well phrased sentences and paragraphs.
The AI-Chatbot can provide information on nearly every subject. It can write pros, poetry, jokes, critiques and even computer code. The question is, “how well can it do all these things”.

Dan finished his briefing with some timely predictions: Jobs will be effected; It will become harder and harder to know if a human has done the job; There will be much fake expertise and many more scams; Professional jobs across a wide spectrum will be done faster resulting in less need for staff; Education will become more available but academic credentials more easy manipulated; Crime will become more sophisticated; Politics will become more obtuse with fake news becoming rampant.