#HenleyProbusClub: About Us - Photo copyright Nigel Balchin

About Us

What is Probus?

A PROBUS Club is a local, open community of retired and semi-retired PROfessional, BUSiness and like-minded people, who wish to meet regularly for fellowship, conversation and camaraderie, as an extension of their mutual interests.

The origins of “PROBUS” are with Rotary, who sponsored the first clubs.

Each club is autonomous and chooses its own rules and programme. Some meetings have guest speakers, some have coffee mornings, breakfasts, lunches, or dinners. Many organise day trips and holidays to which partners and friends may be invited if the club so chooses.

Each club elects its own officers, typically a president, chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, speaker-finder and membership secretary.

The Clubs do not exist to raise money for charity, although some choose to run occasional fund-raising events and raffles.

Probus in Henley-on-Thames

Henley-on-Thames currently has two Probus Clubs, one for women and one for men.

This website relates to the Men’s Probus Club that serves Henley-on-Thames, and surrounding towns and villages.

Henley Men’s Probus was originally proposed by two gentlemen, John Webber and William Chilvers, who sent out a letter suggesting the formation of a Henley Probus Club in February 1978. A preliminary meeting was held on the 9th of March 1978 at the Old White Hart Hotel (now Zizzi).

Henley Men’s Probus Club members now meet at Badgemore Park on the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings start with an informal gathering of members (plus visitors) for conversation and coffee/tea from 10:45, with the formal meeting commencing at 11:30, followed by a guest speaker and lunch.

If you wish to learn more about Henley Men’s Probus, or join, please navigate to the “Contact Us” page on this website.

Henley Ladies Probus Club members meet at Badgemore Park on the second Thursday of each month – for further information contact Barbara Baxendale (Barbara@Baxendale.myZen.co.uk).

PROBUS Support in the UK

PROBUS clubs in the UK and Ireland have an ‘umbrella’ website (http://www.probusonline.org) designed as a forum for clubs to share experiences or seek impartial advice, and where members may subscribe to a magazine that is published quarterly.



  • are neither political nor religious and are not affiliated to any political or religious organisation.
  • are not affiliated to a central organising body.
  • may choose to be mixed gender, men only or women only.
  • have no upper or lower age limits.
  • exist to provide a social forum, fellowship, friendship, and fun for like-minded people.
  • are NOT fundraising organizations but often contribute to registered charities.
  • set their own rules.

Historical Documents