August 2023

The 488th Meeting of Henley Probus Club was held at Badgemore Park on August 8, 2023.

Mike Willoughby @HenleyMensProbus Club in August 2023. Photo copyright Mike Willoughby / Henley Men's Probus Club.

The Chairman and Treasurer summarised the current status of the club membership and the financial and charity status.

This month’s guest speaker was Mike Willoughby who talked about “Remembering the Men of Henley-on-Thames who died in two World Wars”.

Mike has been incredibly active in researching the people from Henley who died during the 2 wars and has summarised his findings in 2 books. The first world war book is entitled ‘Bringing them home, Men of Henley 1914-1921, Lest we forget’ and the second world war book is entitled ‘Bringing them home too, Men of Henley on Thames and Local Villages who gave their lives 1939-1946, Lest We Forget’.

Mike’s talk explained in detail the problems associated with going back into history trying, with the help of members of the local community, to establish all of the facts associated with missing people which, at times, became very emotional.

Mike Willoughby @HenleyMensProbus Club in August 2023. Photo copyright Mike Willoughby / Henley Men's Probus Club.
Mike Willoughby @HenleyMensProbus Club in August 2023. Photo copyright Mike Willoughby / Henley Men's Probus Club.