February 2024 (494)

The 494th meeting of the Club was held at Badgemore Park Golf Club on Tuesday 13th February 2024.

The Eurofighter @ Henley Men's Probus Club in February 2024. Photo copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

The Chairman introduced 1 new member to the Club and welcomed 2 visitors to the meeting; the Chairman also confirmed that arrangements have now been finalised for the Club’s 500th meeting in August. The Treasurer updated the members on the Club’s finances providing information of the financial situation to date in the new financial year. This was followed by updates on the forthcoming Social events and Speakers that are planned for 2024.

The Chairman then introduced Roger Roberts, a member of Henley Probus Club who gave a talk entitled Eurofighter Typhoon which was assisted by a slide presentation. The talk covered the formation of the Typhoon government and industrial organisations and how the aircraft development and production programmes were managed from its programme start in the 1980s.

The talk concluded with thanks and a very warm message of appreciation from all members of the club. The Chairman then closed the formal meeting and the members gathered for drinks followed by lunch.