500th Meeting Celebration

On the 13th August 2024 the Men’s Probus Club of Henley-on-Thames, which started back in 1978, celebrated its 500th monthly meeting on the banks of the river Thames, in glorious sunshine.

Henley Men's Probus - Celebration of its 500th meeting

The venue selected was the Henley Business School in its delightful grounds, Greenlands, which many will know lies along the river on the A4155, opposite the Henley Showground.

Over 50 club members and partners met to socialise with drinks on the terrace.

Henley Men's Probus @ Henley Management College in 2024 - Photo Copyright Nigel Balchin

Drinks were followed by a 3 course buffet meal (with wine) in the Heyworth Restaurant.

Henley Men's Probus @ Henley Management College in 2024 - Photo Copyright Nigel Balchin

After the meal, our President, Viv Emerson, gave a speech in which he thanked the many friends and family that attended, and noted the sad gaps left by missing members – for which there was a toast to absent friends. The club was very pleased that four wives of former members were able to attend the lunch (Annie Fitton, June Cross, Lesley Holmes, Susan Kendrick). Two former Presidents were sadly unable to attend (Ian Black & Julian Pearce). Barbara Baxendale kindly attended to represent the Henley Ladies Probus Club.

Viv highlighted some observations from the Henley Men’s Probus archives: that the club was formed in 1978; in May 1990 the club moved from Leander Club to Badgemore Park; in June 1990 an overwhelming majority decided that the club would become a No Smoking club; in 1995 the Henley Ladies Probus Club was formed; in May 1996 the club had a special lunch to celebrate its 300th meeting.

Henley Men's Probus @ Henley Management College in 2024 - Photo Copyright Nigel Balchin

Viv finished by celebrating the longevity of certain members – in reverse order: in 3rd position was Michael James who joined in 1998 (26 years including some as Speaker Secretary); in 2nd position was Tim Woods who joined in 1991 (33 years including some as Social Secretary); and in 1st place was Alan O’Dair who joined in 1988 (36 years including some as Treasurer and Accounts Examiner).

Alan (seen here with Viv) is amazing for hw is still a regular attendee and is 94 years young, and he Elizabeth celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary in July 2024:

Henley Men's Probus @ Henley Management College in 2024 - Photo Copyright Nigel Balchin
Henley Men's Probus @ Henley Management College in 2024 - Photo Copyright Nigel Balchin
Henley Men's Probus @ Henley Management College in 2024 - Photo Copyright Nigel Balchin
Henley Men's Probus @ Henley Management College in 2024 - Photo Copyright Nigel Balchin
Henley Men's Probus @ Henley Management College in 2024 - Photo Copyright Nigel Balchin
Henley Men's Probus @ Henley Management College in 2024 - Photo Copyright Nigel Balchin

This flyer welcomed members to their tables:

Henley Men's Probus - 500th Meeting - Table Flyer

The Buffet Lunch comprised this menu:

Henley Men's Probus @ Henley Management College in 2024 - Photo Copyright Nigel Balchin