#HenleyMensProbusClub: Badgemore Park 2022 - Photo copyright Nigel Balchin

Welcome to the Men’s Probus Club of Henley-on-Thames

Henley Men’s Probus Club members meet at Badgemore Park on the second Tuesday of each month.

Meetings start with an informal gathering of members (plus visitors) for conversation and coffee/tea from 10:45, with the formal meeting commencing at 11:30, followed by a guest speaker and lunch.

Note to Non-members: If you wish to learn more or join our club, please navigate to the “About Us” and “Contact Us” pages on this website.

Topics Planned for our 2024 Meetings

  • October: John Brearley “Medieval craftsmen and the rise of the Guilds”
  • November: Nigel (Gin) Balchin “Humanoid Robotics – When will we get one?”
  • December: Christmas Lunch
  • January: Christopher Nash “The Commonwealth War Graves Commission”

Previous Meetings

  • September 2024 (501)

    Tilden Mckean speaking at Henley Men's Probus Club in September 2024

    This month, Tilden Mckean provided members with the fascinating story and humorous anecdotes from his adventures in Papua New Guinea. Tilden encountered high temperatures, high humidity, leaches, jungle … you name it, he faced it. All to find the rich hydrocarbon reserves that are now synonymous with the island. The land is owned by huge…

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  • 500th Meeting Celebration

    Henley Men's Probus - Celebration of its 500th meeting

    On the 13th August 2024 the Men’s Probus Club of Henley-on-Thames, which started back in 1978, celebrated its 500th monthly meeting on the banks of the river Thames, in glorious sunshine. The venue selected was the Henley Business School in its delightful grounds, Greenlands, which many will know lies along the river on the A4155,…

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  • July 2024 (499)

    Henley Men's Probus Club - Prisons. Photo Copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

    Chairman Tony Brown welcomed club members to the 499th meeting of Henley Probus and briefed the meeting on the plans for the celebration of our 500th meeting, scheduled for August 13th. Following a short business update, including a report from the Treasurer. This month’s guest speaker was Janine Kilroe, who gave a very interesting and…

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  • June 2024 (498)

    Henley Men's Probus Club - Luke S Degan talks about the East India Company. Photo Copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

    Chairman Tony Brown welcomed club members to the 498th meeting of Henley Men’s Probus Club and briefed us on the plans for the celebration of our 500th meeting in August. This month’s guest speaker, Luke S Degan, gave a very interesting and enlightening illustrated talk on the East India Company – The Greatest Organisation. Luke…

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  • May 2024 (AGM)

    Change of President @ Henley Men's Probus Club in May 2024. Photo copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

    The meeting in May 2024 was the 497th meeting of Henley Men’s PROBUS Club and was its 44th Annual General Meeting. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the AGM. Peter Stone thanked the committee for all their support through the year, including Viv Emerson for taking on the role of speaker secretary,…

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  • April 2024 (496)

    GenAI update by Professor Dan Remenyi @ Henley Men's Probus Club in April 2024. Photo copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

    The 496th meeting of Henley Men’s Probus Club was held at Badgemore Park Golf Club on Tuesday 9th March2024. The Chairman opened the 496th Henley Probus meeting and welcomed our newest member, Geoff Spurrier, to the club and then he introduced our guest speaker , newest member, Geoff Spurrier, to the club. The Chairman then…

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  • March 2024 (495)

    The RAF @ Henley Men's Probus Club in March 2024. Photo copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

    The 495th meeting of the Club was held at Badgemore Park Golf Club on Tuesday 12th March2024. The Chairman introduced 1 new member to the Club; the Chairman also confirmed that arrangements have now been finalised for the Club’s 500th meeting on August 13th and this will be held at the Henley business School, Greenlands.…

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  • February 2024 (494)

    The Eurofighter @ Henley Men's Probus Club in February 2024. Photo copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

    The 494th meeting of the Club was held at Badgemore Park Golf Club on Tuesday 13th February 2024. The Chairman introduced 1 new member to the Club and welcomed 2 visitors to the meeting; the Chairman also confirmed that arrangements have now been finalised for the Club’s 500th meeting in August. The Treasurer updated the…

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  • January 2024 (493)

    Swan Upping @ Henley Men's Probus Club in January 2024. Photo copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

    The 493rd meeting of Henley Probus Club was held at Badgemore Park on Tuesday, 9th January 2024. The Chairman bid everyone best wishes for 2024 and then welcomed 3 visitors to the meeting. The Treasurer updated the members on the Club’s finances at end 2023. This was followed by updates on the forthcoming Social events…

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  • November 2023 (491)

    Graham Twemlow @ Henley Men's Probus Club in October 2023. Photo copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

    The 491st meeting of Henley Probus Club was held at Badgemore Park on Tuesday, 14th November 2023. This month’s guest speaker was Graham Twemlow, a decorative arts historian who presented a talk entitled “Your Country Needs You – Propaganda Posters of WWI and WWII”. Graham’s extensive materials presented many of the colourful posters used during…

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  • October 2023 (490)

    Graham Horn @ Henley Men's Probus Club in October 2023. Photo copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

    The 490th meeting of Henley Probus Club was held at Badgemore Park on Tuesday, 10th October 2023. This month’s guest speaker was Graham Horn who presented a talk on the Kennet & Avon Canal, which included some period photos that illustrated the decay and poor condition of the canal, when the restoration work commenced. He explained…

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  • September 2023

    Martin Beek @ Henley Men's Probus Club in September 2023. Photo copyright Henley Men's Probus Club.

    The 489th meeting of Henley Probus Club was held at Badgemore Park on Tuesday, 12 September 2023. The chairman briefed the club on the social events that were in the planning stage to include an outing to the Mill at Sonning in January and a visit to the Medical History Museum at the Royal Berkshire…

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Website Statistics

#HenleyMensProbusClub - Website Statistics - June 2024
May 2024