Author: adminYOU

  • Urgent Care in Henley-on-Thames

    Urgent Care in Henley-on-Thames

    Details of the services provided by the Urgent Care Centre at Townlands Memorial Hospital in Henley-on-Thames can be found here.

  • Local Services in Henley-on-Thames

    Local Services in Henley-on-Thames

    Details of the local services provided by Henley-on-Thames Town Council can be found here. The Henley Herald also maintains an excellent list of local services that can be found here.

  • Planned Events in Henley-on-Thames

    Planned Events in Henley-on-Thames

    Lots of events are planned in Henley-on-Thames throughout 2023.  Details of planned events can be found on the Henley Herald site here.

  • Trip to Waddesdon Manor

    Trip to Waddesdon Manor

    During November 2022 Club members joined Ladies Probus Club members for a trip to Waddesdon Manor, to see the beautiful Christmas decorations, lights and market.

  • Spring 2023 – Henley Festival Lineup

    Spring 2023 – Henley Festival Lineup

    The Henley Festival announced the lineup for its famous annual charity event in July 2023.  Details can be found here.

  • January 2023

    January 2023

    The 481st Meeting was held at Badgemore Park on 10th January 2023. The Chairman welcomed the guest speaker and visiting guests to the meeting. Reports were provided to the meeting by the Chairman, Treasurer and Fellowship Secretary. The guest speaker was Michaela Clarke of the Henley Herald: The Chairman thanked Michaela for the presentation which…

  • December 2022

    December 2022

    The 480th Meeting was held at Badgemore Park on 13th December 2022 and comprised a delicious Christmas Lunch, enjoyed by members, their spouses, partners and guests.

  • November 2022

    November 2022

    The 479th Meeting was held at Badgemore Park on 8th November 2022. The Chairman welcomed everyone and then announced that Peter Stone has been appointed Vice Chairman of the Club. Two recent new members (Nigel Balchin and David Bullock) gave short presentations to introduce themselves, with their background, career and various interests. Minutes:

  • October 2022

    October 2022

    The 478th Meeting was held at Badgemore Park Golf Club on October 10th, 2022. The Chairman welcomed everyone and there followed reports to the meeting by the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. The guest speaker at the meeting was Graham Horn of Blue Badge Tourist Guide who gave a talk, assisted by slides, entitled Climbing Kilimanjaro…

  • September 2022

    September 2022

    The 477th Meeting was held at Badgemore Park on 13th September 2022. The Chairman welcomed everyone and there followed a 2-minute silence. The guest speaker was Colin McEwen who spoke about Charles Wheatstone, Inventor and Musician: Minutes: