Author: adminYOU

  • August 2022

    August 2022

    The 476th Meeting was held at Badgemore Park on 9th August 2022. The Chairman, Viv Emerson, welcomed everyone and reports were made by the Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. The speaker was Tim Woods, an elder statesman within the Club, who started his talk by recalling how he remembered his childhood as part of the WW2…

  • May 2022 (Annual General Meeting)

    May 2022 (Annual General Meeting)

    The 42nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Henley Men’s Probus was held at Badgemore Park on 10th May 2022.  This was the first AGM to be held for 3 years due to the pandemic. The new Chairman, Viv Emerson, welcomed everyone and then invited all present to a minute’s silence for Graham Cross who recently…

  • April 2022

    April 2022

    The 472nd meeting was held at Badgemore Park on 12th April 2022. Reports to the meeting were provided by the Chairman, the Treasurer, and the Friendship secretary. The guest speaker was Kamran Irani who is Chairman of the Blood Bike Service for Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire (SERVOBN): Kamran was an excellent speaker, and the…

  • March 2022

    March 2022

    The 471st meeting was held at Badgemore Park on 8th March 2022. After the formal business had been conducted, the Chairman introduced the guest speaker Wayne Bellamy who is the Royal Naval Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) Manager for Chiswick which is the second busiest RNLI station in the UK and Ireland. The station was set up…

  • February 2022

    February 2022

    The 470th meeting was held at Badgemore Park on 8th February 2022. The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming members and then summarised plans for the Club for the first 6 months of 2022. The guest speaker was Commander Tom Cunningham RNR who gave a talk and presentation entitled ‘Raids on Zeebrugge and Ostend on…

  • January 2022

    January 2022

    The 469th meeting was held at Badgemore Park on 11th January 2022. The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming members and then outlined the current thinking for events and guest speakers for 2022 based on the questionnaire sent to members at the end of 2021.  The Chairman thanked the members for their response and advised…