Author: Nigel Balchin

  • Brunch@Badgemore July 2024

    Brunch@Badgemore July 2024

    Members enjoyed another Brunch@Badgemore get together at Badgemore Park.

  • July 2024 (499)

    July 2024 (499)

    Chairman Tony Brown welcomed club members to the 499th meeting of Henley Probus and briefed the meeting on the plans for the celebration of our 500th meeting, scheduled for August 13th. Following a short business update, including a report from the Treasurer. This month’s guest speaker was Janine Kilroe, who gave a very interesting and…

  • June 2024 (498)

    June 2024 (498)

    Chairman Tony Brown welcomed club members to the 498th meeting of Henley Men’s Probus Club and briefed us on the plans for the celebration of our 500th meeting in August. This month’s guest speaker, Luke S Degan, gave a very interesting and enlightening illustrated talk on the East India Company – The Greatest Organisation. Luke…

  • 500th Meeting Celebration

    500th Meeting Celebration

    The Men’s Probus Club of Henley-on-Thames, which started back in 1978, is approaching its 500th monthly meeting. They plan to celebrate this noteworthy event by holding this year’s summer lunch in a beautiful setting that most characterises the town, namely the riverbank. The date selected is the 13th August 2024. The venue selected is the…

  • It’s Good to Talk – Henley Man Club

    A local support group aimed at giving men in the Henley area a sense of purpose, identity and engagement in the local community. The club meets Monday nights between 20:00 and 21:30. Its mission is to create a space where men can gather and celebrate the positive qualities of masculinity, offering individual skills, knowledge and…

  • May 2024 (AGM)

    May 2024 (AGM)

    The meeting in May 2024 was the 497th meeting of Henley Men’s PROBUS Club and was its 44th Annual General Meeting. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the AGM. Peter Stone thanked the committee for all their support through the year, including Viv Emerson for taking on the role of speaker secretary,…

  • April 2024 (496)

    April 2024 (496)

    The 496th meeting of Henley Men’s Probus Club was held at Badgemore Park Golf Club on Tuesday 9th March2024. The Chairman opened the 496th Henley Probus meeting and welcomed our newest member, Geoff Spurrier, to the club and then he introduced our guest speaker , newest member, Geoff Spurrier, to the club. The Chairman then…

  • March 2024 (495)

    March 2024 (495)

    The 495th meeting of the Club was held at Badgemore Park Golf Club on Tuesday 12th March2024. The Chairman introduced 1 new member to the Club; the Chairman also confirmed that arrangements have now been finalised for the Club’s 500th meeting on August 13th and this will be held at the Henley business School, Greenlands.…

  • February 2024 (494)

    February 2024 (494)

    The 494th meeting of the Club was held at Badgemore Park Golf Club on Tuesday 13th February 2024. The Chairman introduced 1 new member to the Club and welcomed 2 visitors to the meeting; the Chairman also confirmed that arrangements have now been finalised for the Club’s 500th meeting in August. The Treasurer updated the…

  • Probus @ RBH Medical Museum

    Probus @ RBH Medical Museum

    On March 20th 2024 Henley Probus visited Reading’s Museum of English Rural Life (MERL) and the Royal Berkshire Hospital Medical Museum. Demand for a club visit to the Royal Berkshire Hospital Medical museum followed a previous talk that Richard Havelock (shown in the picture above) gave to the club about the museum. The MERL is…